商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | | 手机站 网址:harrybaturu.qy6.com 医用级聚乳酸/聚己内酯/聚乙丙交酯/PLLA/PLGA/PCL_吉林省科瑞斯生物科技有限公司
联系人: 先生 (销售经理)
电 话:15526883256
手 机:15526883256




    聚左旋乳酸,又名聚L-丙交酯(PLLA)是一种生物可吸收降解材料。具有良好的生物可吸收性、生物相容性。聚L-丙交酯的体内降解可分为两个阶段, 首先是水解成乳酸单体,然后乳酸单体在乳酸脱氢酶的作用下,将乳酸转变成丙酮酸,然后进入线粒体被彻底氧化分解,生成二氧化碳和水。由聚L-丙交酯制成的产品生物相容性好,在体内降解后,产物经代谢排除体外,对人体无危害性及毒副作用,因此目前被广泛应用于医学领域,如一次性输液用具、免拆型手术缝合线;药物控释、缓释包装剂;组织工程支架、骨固定及骨修复材料、注射用微胶囊、微球、埋植剂及动物器官支撑弹性体等材料。

Instructions: Poly(L-lactide) is a kind of biodegradable materials and with good bioabsorbability and biocompatibility. The degradation of Poly(L-lactide) has two steps: first, Poly(L-lactide) is hydrolyzed into Lactic acid; second, the lactic acid turns into pyruvic acid under the function of lactate dehydrogenase, and then enters into mitochondria and is completely oxidized and decomposed to give carbon dioxide and water.

The product which is made from poly(L-lactide) has good biocompatibility. After degradation in the body, the product is excreted by metabolism and It has not harm and side effect to the human body. Therefore our products are currently widely used in the field of medicine, such as the one-time infusion equipment, medical

surgical suture, drug delivery carriers, tissue engineering scaffolds, bone anchors, injectable microcapsules, microspheres, implants, elastomer materials for organ support, et

先生 (销售经理)  
电  话: 15526883256
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移动电话: 15526883256
公司地址: 中国吉林长春市高新北区北湖科技园
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公司主页: http://harrybaturu.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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